Avery Musteen Keesee
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Born:  1778
Pittsylvania Co., Virginia, USA

Source:Keesee.FTW, Date of Import: Jul 28, 1998
Died:  1858
Source:Keesee.FTW, Date of Import: Jul 28, 1998
Father:  Jesse Keesee
1750 - 1829
Mother:  Mildred Mustain
Unknown - 1838
According to Jess's will in 1829, the union was childless. Two of his nephews were named Avery however. He died at age 80, the cause of death being given as old age. He left 11 slaves whose names and value were listed in the appraisal of his estate. These were Man, Peter $1,000; boy, Tom $800; woman Silvey $500; man George $750; woman Sally and boy child, Read, $1100; woman Mary $850; girl Martha $550; girl, Eliza $500; boy Jack $500; boy, David $380. The total value of Avery's estate was $8, 246.41, a substantial amount for the time (Accts. Book 1858). By contrast, his brother, Booker, who owned no slaves, has an estate valued at only $313.23 in 1846.

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